Should You See Your Dentist for Bad Breath? 

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Halitosis, commonly known as bad breath, can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. However, it’s often a treatable condition with the proper dental care. If you’re dealing with persistent bad breath, your dentist in Asheboro has the right tips and tools to help you solve the problem. Understanding the Causes of Bad Breath Bad breath can happen… Read more »

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity During Whitening Treatment

Posted by & filed under Cosmetic Dentistry, General Dental Articles, oral health.

Tooth whitening is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure that brightens your smile significantly. However, it can sometimes lead to tooth sensitivity, a common side effect experienced by many. This discomfort is usually temporary but can make your teeth more susceptible to hot and cold temperatures. If you’re considering tooth whitening and are concerned about sensitivity,… Read more »